Video Edit Magic: Getting Started with Editing

Getting Started with Editing

The previous sections briefly explained the workspace of Video Edit Magic. This section will present the steps necessary to prepare Video Edit Magic for editing and getting started with editing.

An editing project must be carefully planned by first selecting the media files that will appear in your final composition and then preparing a preliminary rough sketch of how you will go about creating your composition.

After the initial plans, editing usually involves three major steps

  1. Opening files in the media list and adding them to the timeline so that they are available for editing.
  2. Editing the media files in the timeline and decorating them with Effects and Transitions
  3. Saving your final composition by making a movie.

There are many more things that you can do apart from the usual steps involved in editing. These steps make editing simpler and provide additional yet essential functionality.

The steps listed below prepare Video Edit Magic for editing

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